2017 PGI Dinner and Auction Save the Date!
Save the Date
On April 25, supporters of literacy will gather in Fredericton to celebrate the Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain, our 2017 literacy champion.
The Peter Gzowski Invitational (PGI) events for literacy are major fundraising events held in every province and territory.
The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick has raised more than $1.6 million dollars for literacy since our inaugural PGI event 15 years ago. Funds raised go directly to youth, adult and family literacy programs around the province, including support for our schools, libraries and community groups.
Join us as we present Mrs. McCain with the Champion of Literacy Award and celebrate the many ways in which she is working to provide opportunities for all of Canada’s children and families to have early access to the education and supports necessary to create a pluralistic and prosperous society for us all.
Event tickets are $150 individually, or $1,200 for a table of eight. Purchase yours now by contacting our executive director Christy McLean at 506-457-1227, or e-mail Christy at lcnb@nbliteracy.ca with the subject line “Ticket Request – PGI Dinner”
2017 PGI Literacy Dinner
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Reception 6p.m., Dinner 6:45p.m.
Delta Fredericton Ballroom