Sunbury County

Central Valley Adult Learning Association Inc.

Various Locations, Sunbury County, NB

CALP Academic Program: Provides free literacy and Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC, formerly the GED) preparation classes for adults (18+) on a continuous entry basis. CALP is accessible in over 100 communities throughout NB and in both official languages.

Digital Literacy Program: Provides introduction of basic digital skills to enable adult learners to participate fully in an increasingly digital society. The Digital Literacy Program is available in both official languages to existing adult learning groups.

Head Office:

137 MacDonald Ave
Oromocto, NB, E2V 1A6

New Brunswick Public Library Service

Various Locations, Sunbury County, NB

The New Brunswick Public Library Service provides access to books, CDs, DVDs, and online resources including downloadable eBooks and audiobooks. Programs and services include story hour, public lectures, reference services, interlibrary loan and public access workstations. Visit one of the sixty-three libraries or three bookmobiles to learn more. Local Sunbury Libraries:

Fay Tidd Public Library
54 Miramichi Rd.
Oromocto, N.B., E2V 1S2

Talk With Me Program – Anglophone West School District

Fredericton and Oromocto, NB

Locations – Groups and clinics are offered in various locations

Staff – Speech-Language Pathologists and Rehabilitation Assistants

We offer free groups for parents, caregivers, community partners and the public.  We give ideas for helping children (age birth to five years) learn about sounds, words, listening, talking and other early literacy skills.  Language and literacy begins at birth.  Children with stronger early literacy skills are more likely to have better success at school.


Welamukotuk (Oromocto First Nation) Headstart

Oromocto First Nation, NB

Welamukotuk Early Learning Centre is a family-based early intervention program available to children identified as being particularly able to benefit from additional environmental support.

4 Hiawatha Ave
P.O. Box 417
Oromocto, NB, E2V 2J2

Workplace Essential Skills

Various Locations, Sunbury County, NB

Workplace Essential Skills (WES) training is based on the nine essential skills: Reading, Writing, Numeracy, Oral Communication, Document Use, Computer Use, Thinking Skills, Continuous Learning, Working with Others. The WES team is able to assess workplace needs, develop customized training specific to the needs of the workplace and employees, provide training resources, and measure the achievement of training objectives.

Regional Coordinator
