A donation to the Literacy Coalition helps us to: provide resources for New Brunswick children and families, sponsor important programs, connect adult learners with organizations, and much more! As a small, charitable organization, donations are a critical to our operations; please consider donating to the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick today.
Registered Charity Number: 882480205RR0001
Click the “Donate Now” or “Faites un Don” button, or fill out the form below (online donations are processed through Canada Helps).
Donate Cryptocurrency
You can now donate cryptocurrency (BTC or ETH) to the Literacy Coalition via CanadaHelps. Click on “Fundraise Now” or “Faites un collecte de fonds” to donate cryptocurrency.
Donate By Mail
To donate by mail, please send cheque or money order to:
The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick
212 Queen Street, Suite 303
Fredericton NB
E3B 1A8
Registered Charity Number: 882480205RR0001
Thank you for your support!