Our Essential Employability Skills – Health Sector project is now wrapped up! Congratulations to the graduates of both cohorts!
Find out about the results of the project here!
The first cohort completed their classroom training in July of 2021, with the second cohort finishing in January 2022.

After the success of our Essential Skills for Atlantic Fisheries project, the Literacy Coalition continued with a new project: Essential Employability Skills – Health Sector (EES-HS). Funded by the Government of Canada’s Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program, the project was led by the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick in partnership with the PEI Literacy Alliance, and Newfoundland and Labrador Laubach Literacy Council.
The Essential Employability Skills – Health Sector (ESS-HS) focused on the labour market in the long-term health care industry. The goal was to train unemployed and underemployed participants and bring them into the health sector workforce, specifically into entry level worker positions such as laundry, cleaners, servers, kitchen staff, etc.
Participants received:
- 180 hours of essential employability skills training to prepare for a level-entry in the health sector
- A chromebook upon completion of training
- One week of paid on-the-job training
- Six weeks of paid work placements that could lead to longer-term employment
Participants gained the following skills:
Essential Skills:
- Working with others
- Writing
- Reading
- Numeracy
- Thinking
- Oral communication
- Computer use
- Document use
- Continuous Learning
Employability Skills:
- Attitude
- Confidence
- Accountability
- Motivation
- Time Management
- Teamwork
- Stress Management
- Personal presentation
- Adaptability
“Before, I felt expendable. Through the program, I began to feel valued again. People needed me!
Jessica Baillie, Participant
I would definitely encourage other employers to take part in this program! The participants are eager to learn and are enthusiastic.
Sara Trites, Program Mentor