Free Online Information Session Hosted by ABC Life Literacy Canada
ABC Life Literacy Canada will be hosting a free online information session on their programs on February 25th from 11am – 12pm Atlantic time. This session will be available for organizations in New Brunswick. See below for more information:
An information session on ABC Life Literacy Canada’s free adult literacy programs:
- Money Matters, a financial literacy program
- UP Skills for Work, a workplace literacy program
- Youth Teaching Adults and ABC Internet Matters, two digital literacy programs
- Date: Thursday, February 25th
- Time: 10:00am – 11:00am ET/ 11am – 12pm AST
Who will be attending
- Attendees include non-profit organizations, businesses, and other community leaders
What you’ll get – Network and sharing opportunities
- You’ll learn about how ABC’s free programming can help support your community
- You’ll have the opportunity to learn about and from other organizations, businesses, and leaders in your area
What’s more – Surprise gift card!
- As a thank-you for participating, the first 21 organizations who register for and attend will receive a surprise gift card
- Limit to one card per organization/business
To register