Helpful Online Resources
Here is a list of online resources that might be helpful to you and your family as we go this extraordinary time. They include important information, ideas, literacy games, story telling sites and lots of fun activities for the whole family.
Melanie: Free New Brunswick Literacy Asset Map
Melanie is a bilingual tool, which enables families, educators and other service providers to find resources, tools, events, and programs to help support and advance early childhood literacy. Click here to use Melanie!
Teacher Self-Care Tips
Decoda Literacy Solutions, a literacy organization based in British Columbia has compiled a list of tips for teachers dealing with extra stress this school year. Click here to for more articles and videos.
Stress Management Guide for Adult Learners
Our friends at ABC Life Literacy Canada have put together a guide to managing stress for adult learners. It’s an excellent resource that is especially useful in the midst of a pandemic. To see the guide, click here.
Department of Education Resources for Learning at Home
NB Department of Education has prepared this resource as a support for families with children who are learning at home. Click the link “Learning at Home: Resources for Families”:…/depa…/education/learning_at_home.html
People Before Programs: How to Encourage Innovation and Creativity in Crisis
As service providers, we have been issued a call to action in these last two months. Never before have we been asked to rise to the occasion in ways that challenge us to step up in the face of our own personal fears, with little information and no guarantees. Some of us are left longing for the old normal; some for a new normal; and all of us are just trying to do our best in the moment. To read on, click here.
Family Literacy Resources from the Literacy Coalition Website
Here are just a few of the many resources found on the Literacy coalition website under the Research and Resources tab at
Let’s Learn! A parent’s guide to giving your child a great start – Containing tips and ideas for encouraging family literacy in everyday life and lots of fun activities for the whole family.
Family Literacy in the Outdoors – Ideas for Enjoying the Outdoors with your family – Natural outdoor spaces are rich learning environments for all ages no matter what the season or type of weather.
Sharing Books with Babies – This delightful video contains helpful information and tips for parents wishing to support their children’s early literacy development from birth.Ideas for Enjoying the Outdoors with your family – Natural outdoor spaces are rich learning environments for all ages no matter what the season or type of weather.
Financial Literacy Resources From Credit Counselling Services of Atlantic Canada
We do not know how long COVID-19 will affect our financial and job situations. This website offers financial literacy tools that will help you develop your budgeting skills and track your expenses.
Teaching Kids about Financial Literacy
FCNB has a great article about how to raise financially literate children. It includes financial goals, teaching kids about credit, and advice for older children.
Health Literacy Tips from ABC Life Literacy Canada
COVID-19 has changed the landscape of our health systems. Understanding how to navigate health and wellness in the midst of a pandemic is crucial. This short article has several useful resources for increasing health literacy.
Local Authors Online
Have you explored the local authors of New Brunswick? Here are some authors offering uplifting story tellings, book readings and so much more! Don’t miss out! NB Author Wendy McLeod MacKnight is creating a members-only Facebook group for kids, parents and teachers. If you’re interested in receiving an invite, email her at and she will send you an invite! She’s also reading from her books on her Instagram IGTV channel!
NS Author Sheree Fitch has created a podcast for ages 2 to 102, called Mabel Murple’s Popping Purple Wordspinning World consisting of “Nonsense Poetry and “Utter” Stuff”. Click here for the link and scroll down.
Professional Story Teller Dr. Joanne LeBlanc Haley has created a YouTube storytelling series for children. Subscribe to her channel to view the stories as they are added each week. Click here for her YouTube Page.
COVID-19 Family Resources
Click here for understanding COVID-19 news coverage, how to stay calm for yourself and your kids and suggestions for what to watch, read, and play.
Here is an entire list of education companies offering free subscriptions due to school closing.
Tips and resources that can help keep kids entertained, engaged and learning while stuck inside: Resources for Families During the Coronavirus Pandemic.
On The Loose: A Guide to Life Online For Post-Secondary Students: This document supports young adults who are experiencing new freedoms and challenges in their post- secondary life. It covers a variety of digital issues that students may require guidance on, including: schoolwork; money and security; relationships online; and trying to stay healthy.
Fun Learning Games
Top Marks Literacy Games:
PBS Kids Literacy and Math Games: