In the News
Our Essential Skills for Atlantic Fisheries (ESAF) project gained some great media attention across the four Atlantic provinces. We’ve complied the news articles below.
Click on a headline below to read it:
New literacy program provides training, paid work in aquaculture industry
Published on CBC’s website in September 2019, this article talks about our partner organization, PEI Literacy Alliance, and their part of the ESAF project. It includes an interview with the Literacy Alliance’s Executive Director, Jinny Greaves, and a participant in the project.
Essential-skills fishery program moves online, expands during COVID-19
Published on CBC’s website in May of 2020, this article looks at one of the success stories of the ESAF project when it was forced to move online due to Covid in the spring of 2020.
Jeffrey’s man navigating the challenges of online learning with Essential Skills for Atlantic Fisheries program
Published on The Telegram’s website in May of 2020, the article looks at another of our partner organizations, the Newfoundland and Labrador Laubach Literacy Council, and their success with ESAF and online learning during Covid.
Note: The following articles are photos. If you are using a screen reader or text to speech option, the contents of the article are in the alt text.
Adult learner Hilary Woods receives literacy award for studies that helped him find work

Virtual training – taking learning out of the classroom and into your home