United Way Centraide ECSF Round 2 Grant Announcement
The Literacy Coalition is happy to announce that we have been awarded a grant from United Way Centraide through their COVID-19 Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) Round 2. Funded by the Government of Canada, the ECSF was established to help organizations continue their work in attending the needs of vulnerable people in the community. LCNB was awarded a grant of $3,000 to help reprint and distribute our early literacy booklets in four languages. Let’s Learn! A parent’s guide to giving your child a great start provides tips and ideas for encouraging family literacy in everyday life and lots of fun activities for the whole family. These funds will ensure we can print and ship these booklets to service providers who are in direct contact with young families and vulnerable people.
We are so grateful to receive this grant so we can get these literacy resources into the hands of families at a time when many are struggling due to COVID-19 and not able to attend in person programs. Thank you to United Way Centraide and the Government of Canada for selecting us as recipients. We are looking forward to helping families across New Brunswick with our Let’s Learn booklets!