York County

Adult Literacy Fredericton

Fredericton, NB

Adult Literacy Fredericton strives to empower adult learners 18 years of age and older by helping them acquire the reading, writing, and numeracy skills necessary to function successfully at home, at work,and in the community, to achieve their goals, and to develop their full potential. 

874 York Street
Fredericton, NB, E3B 3R8
Website: http://www.adultliteracyfredericton.org/

Community Adult Learning Program (CALP)

Various Locations, York County, NB

CALP Academic Program: Provides free literacy and Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC, formerly the GED) preparation classes for adults (18+) on a continuous entry basis. CALP is accessible in over 100 communities throughout NB and in both official languages.

Digital Literacy Program: Provides introduction of basic digital skills to enable adult learners to participate fully in an increasingly digital society. The Digital Literacy Program is available in both official languages to existing adult learning groups.

Central Valley Adult Learning Association Inc.
137 McDonald Ave
Oromocto, NB, E2V 1A6
Website: https://www.cvala.ca/

Western Valley Adult Learning Association Inc.
571 Route 190
Carlingford, NB, E7H 4J7
506-273-6177 (Toll Free: 1-844-349-8252)
Website: https://www.wvala.ca/

Family and Early Childhood West

Fredericton, Minto, Chipman, Boiestown, Doaktown, Harvey, McAdam,
Geary, Burton, and Oromocto

This is a home-based support and teaching program designed to give children a good start in life. Parents are offered guidance and information on child development and parenting skills. The program is designed to help children optimize their development and become school-ready. An extensive resource library is also available for families. This is a targeted program intended to promote attachment and child development. FAEC West has offices in Fredericton, Woodstock, and Centreville.

919 Prospect St, Suite 80
Fredericton, NB, E3B 2T7
Website: https://asdw.nbed.ca/current-students/early-childhood-learners/family-and-early-childhood-west/

Fredericton Boys and Girls Club

Fredericton, NB

Boys and Girls Clubs offer a safe, enriching, and fun place to go when school is out, with programs available and affordable to all children. Boys and Girls Clubs are managed by experienced career professionals trained in youth development. Over 14,000 volunteers nationwide assist club staff in providing positive role models for our young people.

Skyline Acres
499 Canterbury Drive
Fredericton, NB, E3B 4M
Website: https://bgcfred.com/

Fredericton Regional Family Resource Centre

Fredericton, NB

Family Resource Centres provide programs, services and resources for families with children 0-6 years old. Centres may differ in the services and programs they offer, depending on the needs of their communities.

60 Veteran’s Drive
Fredericton, NB, E3A 4C3
Website: https://www.frederictonfrc.ca/

Kingsclear First Nation Aboriginal Headstart

Kingsclear, NB

The objective is to provide our First Nations preschool with a positive sense of themselves, a desire for learning, and opportunities to develop fully and successfully.

77 French Village Road
Kingsclear First Nation, NB, E3E 1K3
Website: http://www.kingsclear.ca/departments-services/head-start-daycare/

New Brunswick Public Library Service

Various Locations, York County, NB

The New Brunswick Public Library Service provides access to books, CDs, DVDs, and online resources including downloadable eBooks and audiobooks. Programs and services include story hour, public lectures, reference services, interlibrary loan and public access workstations. Visit one of the sixty-three libraries or three bookmobiles to learn more.

Dre. Marguerite Michaud Library:
715 Priestman St.
Fredericton, N.B., E3B 5W7

Fredericton Public Library:
12 Carleton St.
Fredericton, N.B., E3B 5P4

Fredericton Public Library – Nashwaaksis:
324 Fulton Ave.
Fredericton, N.B., E3A 5J4

Harvey Community Library:
2055 Route 3
Harvey, N.B., E6K 1L1

McAdam Public Library:
146 Saunders Rd.
McAdam, N.B., E6J 1L2

Nackawic Public-School Library:
30 Landegger Dr.
Nackawic, N.B., E6G 1E9

Stanley Community Library:
28 Bridge St., Unit 2
Stanley, N.B., E6B 1B2

St. Mary’s First Nation Aboriginal Headstart

Fredericton, NB

Headstart programs deliver early literacy and kindergarten readiness programs.

Website: https://stmarysfirstnation.com/departments/education/

Talk With Me Program – Anglophone West School District

Fredericton and Oromocto, NB

Locations – Groups and clinics are offered in various locations

Staff – Speech-Language Pathologists and Rehabilitation Assistants

We offer free groups for parents, caregivers, community partners and the public.  We give ideas for helping children (age birth to five years) learn about sounds, words, listening, talking and other early literacy skills.  Language and literacy begins at birth.  Children with stronger early literacy skills are more likely to have better success at school.

Website: https://asdw.nbed.ca/current-students/early-childhood-learners/talk-with-me/

UNB Early Childhood Centre

Fredericton, NB

UNB’s Early Childhood Centre offers a broad and balanced curriculum for young children; communication and multi-modal literacy are key ingredients of this curriculum. The centre also offers a program of literacy education for parents, caregivers and young children which was developed at UNB.

University of New Brunswick
Early Childhood Centre, Faculty of Education
10 MacKay Drive
Marshal d’Avray Hall, room 215
Fredericton, NB, E3B 5A3

Website: https://www.unb.ca/fredericton/education/ecc/

Workplace Essential Skills

Various Locations, York County, NB

Workplace Essential Skills (WES) training is based on the nine essential skills: Reading, Writing, Numeracy, Oral Communication, Document Use, Computer Use, Thinking Skills, Continuous Learning, Working with Others. The WES team is able to assess workplace needs, develop customized training specific to the needs of the workplace and employees, provide training resources, and measure the achievement of training objectives.

Website: https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/services/services_renderer.200971.Workplace_Essential_Skills_Program_(WES).html#serviceDescription

WorkingNB (Branch):
Chestnut Complex
470 York Street
Fredericton, NB, E3B 3P7

WorkingNB Central (Group):
Fredericton Regional Centre
300 Saint Mary’s Street
Fredericton, NB, E3A 2S4

United for Literacy

Fredericton, NB

United for Literacy (formerly Frontier College) is Canada’s original literacy organization, training volunteers to work with children and adults in various communities across the province and country.

212 Queen St., Suite 301
Fredericton NB, E3B 1A8
506-450-7923 (Toll Free: 877-450-7923)
Website: https://www.unitedforliteracy.ca