2019 PGI Dinner and Auction: Tickets Available Now!

Plans are well underway for the 2019 gala Literacy Dinner and Auction. The evening will include a dinner, entertainment, guest speakers, an opportunity to hear from outstanding adult learners. and a fundraising auction to help support family literacy programs, libraries, adult learning programs and more. This year’s gala event honours Bernard and Diane Lord who were instrumental in establishing Born to Read NB as a provincial literacy program. Their leadership and generous commitment to improving the well-being of New Brunswickers continues to this day.

When: Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Reception and Silent Auction: 6p.m.
Dinner: 6:45pm

Where: Delta Fredericton Ballroom

Event tickets are $150 individually, or $1,200 for a table of eight. Purchase yours now by clicking here to fill out the order form OR by contacting Lynda Homer at (506) 457-1227 or lcnb@nbliteracy.ca with the subject line “Ticket Request – PGI Dinner”