Description of ESAF Project
Click here to see a PDF of the Essential Skills for Atlantic Fisheries Flyer
A proactive and innovative approach to addressing the labour market and workforce challenges faced by the fisheries sector in the Atlantic Provinces.

Essential Skills for Atlantic Fisheries (ESAF) project was led by the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick (LCNB) in partnership with Literacy Nova Scotia (LNS), Newfoundland and Labrador Laubach Literacy Council (NLLLC) and the Prince Edward Island Literacy Alliance (PEILA) with funding by ESDC.
An Atlantic Advisory Group guided the planning and implementation of the project. Local Community Advisory Groups provided advice and assistance to identify participants and address barriers to employment.
- Help rural, low-income unemployed individuals to improve their essential skills, so they
can get and keep a job in the fisheries sector - Increase the pool of skilled labour in the fisheries sector in the Atlantic Provinces
Increase the essential skills of supervisors and middle-managers in the workplace and
establish workplace essential skills mentors/coaches - Create an effective training model that will be transferable to other jurisdiction
Employers with vacancies were recruited to provide input to the planning and design of the project and offer a 6 to 12 week work placement for trainees.
The training integrated essential skills and employability skills with job-specific skills in the fisheries sector. It incorporated classroom, online and on-site customized training for up to 10 weeks followed by a 6 to 12 week work placement. There were two training cohorts.
For more information, click on the video below: