The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick will provide leadership to advance literacy, lifelong learning and essential skills for all citizens through partnerships and collaboration with government, educational institutions, business, labour and community.

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LCNB Distributes PGI Grants to 28 Programs

The Literacy Coalition was pleased to distribute PGI grants to 28 worthy literacy programs across New Brunswick. The funds raised through our PGI Literacy Dinner and Auction make a positive and lasting impact on the lives of children, families and adults in New Brunswick. In advancing literacies in every aspect of their lives, whether at home, in the community, in school or in the workplace. A heartfelt thanks to our dedicated Committee and all who our supported our PGI for making these grants possible.

Here are the programs LCNB has supported through funds raised from our 2019 PGI Literacy Dinner:

Quality Learning NB, Laubach Learning NB, Miramichi Literacy Council: Mommy Reads to Me, Miramichi Literacy Council: Women’s Correctional Centre Book Club, Greater Moncton Literacy Advisory Board: Adult New Writers Contest and Celebration, Science East Centre, Carleton North Imagination Library, Western Valley Adult Learning Association, Care ‘n’ Share Family Resource Center, Frye Festival, Adult Literacy Fredericton, Kings County Family Resource Centre Inc., Frontier College, The Fredericton Regional Family Resource Centre, Central Valley Adult Learning Association, Moncton Headstart Inc.: Children’s High School Program, Moncton Headstart Inc.: Parents’ Program, Family Resource Centre of Charlotte County: Cooking Kids, Family Resource Centre of Charlotte County: Literacy Initiative Programs, Famille et petite enfance fracophone sud inc., Tracadie A & B, and Centre de Ressource Familiales a la Petite Enfance de Westmorland Albert/Early Childhood FRC.

2020 Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Literacy Awards Call for Nominations

The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick (LCNB) is calling for nominations for the 2020 Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Literacy Awards. The awards recognize outstanding achievements of individuals or groups in the field of literacy, essential skills and lifelong learning. Awards will be presented to worthy recipients in the following categories: Early Childhood Literacy, Community Literacy Programs, Individual Outstanding Contributions to Literacy, Business/Corporate Literacy Initiatives, Workplace Essential Skills, and Outstanding Effort in Indigenous Literacy.

“The 2020 Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Literacy Awards recognize those who work tirelessly to help ensure a better quality of life for all New Brunswickers, through the advancement of literacy, essential skills and lifelong learning.”

The English nomination form can be downloaded here.

Version française ici.

Or you can find a downloadable version of both forms here.

The deadline for nominations is August 21st, 2020.

Click here to see last year’s award winners and ceremony.

Click here to see a list of past winners.

Melanie, the Early Childhood Resource Tool, is now available!

Fredericton, NB – Today, the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick is proud to launch Melanie, a bilingual online tool that will enable families, educators and all service providers to gain greater access to literacy resources, programs, tools, and information that best support New Brunswick early childhood literacy.

This new online tool will help anyone who is looking for early childhood literacy services in their community or would like to find quality literacy resources and useful information easier and faster in one place.  “Melanie, as an online platform, offers a one- stop shop of reliable and well researched quality early literacy information and resources for New Brunswickers.  By providing user friendly access, contact information and links to every early childhood literacy service that is available throughout New Brunswick on one site, we know families and service providers will easily find what they are looking for”, says Lynda Homer, Executive Director of Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick.

 “We were noticing just how much parents rely upon on the Internet to find information related to early childhood literacy,” says Homer. “While the internet is helpful in so many ways, we were also hearing that parents and service providers were finding it difficult and time consuming to find information and local services and to know if the resources are high quality”.

Click Here for the new Melanie App!

Melanie, l’outil de ressources pour la petite enface, est maintenant disponible!

Fredericton (N.-B.) – Aujourd’hui, la Coaliton pour l’alphabétisation au New Brunswick est fière de lancer Melanie, un outil en ligne bilingue qui permettra aux familles, aux éducateurs et à tous les fournisseurs de services d’avoir un meilleur accès aux ressources, programmes, outils et informations d’alphabétisation qui soutiennent le mieux Alphabétisation de la petite enfance du Nouveau-Brunswick.

Ce nouvel outil en ligne aidera tous ceux qui recherchent des services d’alphabétisation de la petite enfance dans leur communauté ou qui souhaitent trouver des ressources d’alphabétisation de qualité et des informations utiles plus facilement et plus rapidement au même endroit. « Mélanie, en tant que plateforme en ligne, offre un guichet unique d’information et de ressources fiables et bien documentées sur l’alphabétisation précoce pour le Nouveau Brunswick. En fournissant un accès convivial, des coordonnées et des liens vers tous les services d’alphabétisation de la petite enfance disponibles dans tout le Nouveau-Brunswick. Sur un seul site, nous savons que les familles et les fournisseurs de services trouveront facilement ce qu’ils recherchent », a déclaré Lynda Homer, directrice générale de la Coaliton pour l’alphabétisation du Nouveau-Brunswick.

« Nous remarquions à quel point les parents comptent sur Internet pour trouver des informations sur l’alphabétisation de la petite enfance. » dit Homer. « Bien qu’Internet soit utile à bien des égards, nous avons également entendu que les parents et les prestataires de services trouvaient difficile et long de trouver des informations et des services locaux et de savoir si les ressources étaient de qualité ».

Cliquez ici pour Melanie!

Celebrating Adult Learner’s Week April 12th – 18th!

Adult Literacy Week is an occasion to acknowledge the triumphs that many New Brunswickers have and celebrate the importance of life-long learning in our lives.

We received submissions from over 40 contestants whose inspiring stories are featured here on our website.

Click here to read them all in our eBook!


Thanks to all for sharing your stories about how returning to learning has changed your life!

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