The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick will provide leadership to advance literacy, lifelong learning and essential skills for all citizens through partnerships and collaboration with government, educational institutions, business, labour and community.

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“Recommend a Book, Get a Book” Contest

In July, LCNB held its first summer reading contest! The Recommend a Book, Get a Book contest was broadcasted on all of our social media platforms and was created as an initiative for people to share a book they have read and enjoyed with a child over the summer. The response was incredible, and we would like to thank all those who took the time to send us their recommendations. We would also like to congratulate the lucky winner, Kim MacFarlane Grant!


Here is the list of books that were recommended:



Corduroy by Don Freeman
Recommended by: Kim MacFarlane Grant


Raffi’s Top 10 Songs to Read by Raffi
Recommended by: Julie Kean Marks


Dog Man by Dav Pilkey
Recommended by: Phyllis Lamont


Big Bear Hug by Nicholas Oldland
Recommended by: Brigitte Richard


The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler
Recommended by: Christina Foster


Canada ABC by Paul Covello
Recommended by: Jennifer Houle


My First Animal by DK Publishing
Recommended by: Kristen Olson


Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey
Recommended by: Jim Doyle


If you Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff
Recommended by: Chastity LeBlanc


Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too by Stephanie Calmenson
Recommended by: Kathryn Guravich


K is for Kindergarten by Erin Dealey
Recommended by: Jaclyn Wood


The Book With No Pictures by B.J. Novak.
Recommended by: Fiona Malcharek


That’s Not my Goat by Fionna Watt
Recommended by: Shannon LaBrecque


The Darkest Dark by Chris Hadfield
Recommended by: Cat LeClair


Happy summer reading!


My Experience at the International Summer Course on the Rights of the Child

The Literacy Coalition was pleased to sponsor an educator to attend the recent International Summer Course held at the Universite de Moncton entitled Early Childhood and the Right to Education: Toddlers and Their Rights. We recognize the direct connection between literacy, education and human rights and are pleased to work in tangent with the NB Child and Youth Advocacy as we promote our common goal of improving the lives of children and families in our province. Below is a report from Linda Gould , the individual who attended the Course via our sponsorship. Read on to learn more about her experience:


June 24-29, 2018

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”

~Frederick Douglas

I had the opportunity to attend the 2018 International Summer Course on the Rights of the Child thanks to the sponsorship of the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick. This was the seventh annual session held to provide a forum for international knowledge sharing and capacity building towards children’s well-being, development and the protection of the rights of the child.

Hosted by the Universite de Moncton and the New Brunswick Office of the Child and Youth Advocate, along with their partners, the course ran from June 24th to 29th and provided presentations and panel presentations from a wealth of provincial, national and international presenters.

Each of the days, save Wednesday June 27, was dedicated to workshops, round table discussions. The first morning workshops of each day were dedicated to presentations on the “Introduction to the Convention on the Rights of the Child”. Gavin Kotze and Christian Whalen, both from the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate, walked participants through (specifically) Articles 28 and 29 of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. These presenters analyzed the UNCRC, delving into Measures of Implementation, the Rule of Law, ratification and review of reservations.

I participated in a wealth of workshops and panel discussions which informed and furthered my knowledge on:

  • International early childhood education policies including socio political atmosphere, analysis of inequities and growth in specific countries
  • Working with child’s rights
  • Paris Principles
  • Early Years program at Elsipogtog
  • NB Child and Youth Advocate,
  • Global Child Project at the University of Victoria
  • The Children’s Health Profile and Trajectory in NB and PEI, and
  • Social Pediatrics including toxic stress, cumulative effects of children’s environments and the genetic imprint

Wednesday brought us out of the classroom and into nature.  Our day began with a bus ride to Sussex where we would spend the morning at Tir na nOg forest school.



Jane Bertrand from the Margaret and Wallace Family Foundation welcomed us.






Theresa Casey, Past-President of the International Play Association from Scotland, provided a heart-warming keynote presentation grounded in Irish lore and tales of perseverance and persistence. The remainder of the morning provided us with the opportunity to participate in workshops held in the outdoors.





Beverly Dietze provided an inspirational workshop on how one educational institute (Okanagan College) is redefining their Early Childhood Education program to provide a mentorship option which will provide graduates with an ECE diploma with a specialization in outdoor play.


Paula Gallo and Heidi Campbell provided a hands-on experience to play and learning in child-friendly, nature focused outdoor spaces.



Wednesday afternoon saw us travel to Hopewell Rocks where we participated in a wide range of games initiated by Get Outside! NB followed by a tour of the ocean floor.


The week was intense, inspiration, informative and eye-opening!

I truly appreciate the opportunity I was provided to attend the 2018 International Summer Course on
the Rights of the Child and look forward to using this knowledge in my work and sharing it with others in
the future.

My sincere thanks to the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick for making this all possible.

Linda Gould
Early Childhood Education Advisor
Miramichi, NB


Bilingual Project Coordinator Position | Position de coordinateur/coordinatrice de projet bilingue





Project Coordinator Job Posting

The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick (LCNB) is hiring a Project Coordinator for a new initiative to develop a user-friendly, province wide, French and English Community Literacy Asset map and Navigational Tool for Family and Early Childhood Literacy.

Salary: Commensurate with experience

Contract Term: July 1, 2018 – September 30, 2019

Deadline to apply: June 18, 2018

Location:  Fredericton


About the Project

Working with Advisory Committees for both official languages and in collaboration with a communications and technology specialist, the successful candidate will coordinate the development of an online “literacy navigation tool” that will provide a comprehensive, easily accessible contact list of programs, services, and supports focusing on the wide variety of early childhood literacy resources that are available through New Brunswick. Integral to the site, will be links to a wide variety of exemplary literacy and education resources and information for parents, educators, various service providers, and the general public. The project will culminate in a public awareness campaign to launch the tool.

This project is funded throughout a grant from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development New Brunswick.

Job Description

Reporting directly to the LCNB Executive Director, the project coordinator will:

  • Develop and implement the project workplan
  • Organize and chair project Advisory Committees in both official languages
  • Coordinate the gathering of data and information for the Literacy Asset Map by consulting with parents, service providers, government and community groups and stakeholders.
  • Liaise with a Technology specialist to facilitate the development of a “user friendly” literacy asset map navigational tool.
  • Hold focus groups to solicit feedback from users.
  • Launch and promote the Literacy Navigational tool, working with a Communications consultant
  • Monitor and evaluate the impact of the tool.
  • Prepare a final impact report.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Education, Communications, Business, Human Resources, Education or relevant field with 2 years experience in project coordination or an equivalent education and experience;
  • Strong outreach and organizational abilities;
  • Strong interpersonal communication and team work skils
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office, with strong working knowledge of Excel (Database management an asset);
  • Excellent oral and written communication in both official languages
  • Work independently, with limited direction and supervision;
  • Valid driver’s license and unlimited access to a reliable vehicle; and
  • Knowledge of Family and Early Childhood literacy an asset.

Interested candidates should forward their resumé with cover letter, to: Lynda Homer, Executive Director at:

Interested candidates, please include a cover letter with your resume.  We thank all those who apply but only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.






Coordinateur/Coordinatrice de projet


La Coalition pour l’alphabétisation du Nouveau-Brunswick (LCNB) est à la recherche d’un/d’une coordinateur/coordinatrice de projet pour une nouvelle initiative visant à élaborer une carte des atouts d’alphabétisation communautaire francophone et anglophone, à l’échelle provinciale. Ce projet sera un outil de navigation pour l’alphabétisation familiale ainsi que l’éducation de la petite enfance.


Salaire : Dépend du niveau d’expérience

Durée du contrat : 1er juillet 2018 – 30 septembre 2019

Date limite d’inscription : 18 juin 2018

Lieu : Fredericton


À propos du projet

La personne choisie devra travailler avec plusieurs comités consultatifs responsables des secteurs francophones et anglophones, en collaboration avec un spécialiste en communications et en technologie. La personne choisie coordonnera l’élaboration d’un « outil de navigation en alphabétisation » pour fournir une liste complète et facilement accessible aux programmes, services et soutiens. Par la suite, les Néo-Brunswickois seront en mesure de trouver et accéder aux ressources en littératie à leur disposition. Compte tenu du site web, des liens seront mis en place pour servir une grande variété de ressources, d’information exemplaires sur l’alphabétisation et d’éducation pour tous les Néo-Brunswickois. Ceci aboutira à une campagne de sensibilisation au public pour établir cet outil.


Ce projet est financé grâce à une subvention du ministère de l’Éducation et du Développement de la petite enfance du Nouveau-Brunswick.


Description de l’emploi

Se rapportant à la directice générale du LCNB, le/la coordonnateur/coordinatrice du projet :

  • Élaborera et mettra en œuvre le plan de travail du projet;
  • Organisera et présidera les comités consultatifs de projet dans les deux langues officielles;
  • Coordonnera la collecte de données et d’information en ce qui concerne la disposition de la carte des atout en consultation avec les parents, les fournisseurs de services, les groupes gouvernementaux, les groupes communautaires et les intervenants;
  • Assurera la liaison avec un spécialiste en technologie pour faciliter le développement d’un outil de navigation cartographique en alphabétisation;
  • Organisera des groupes de discussion pour solliciter les commentaires des utilisateurs;
  • Fera le lancement et la promotion de l’outil d’alphabétisation, en travaillant avec un consultant en communication;
  • Surveillera et évaluera l’impact de l’outil; et
  • Préparera un rapport d’impact final.


  • Baccalauréat en éducation, communications, administration, ressources humaines, éducation ou autre domaine pertinent avec 2 ans d’expérience en coordination de projet ou une formation et un niveau d’expérience équivalent;
  • Fortes compétences de sensibilisation, d’organisation et de travail d’équipe;
  • Fortes compétences pour Microsoft Office, avec une solide connaissance pratique d’Excel (gestion des bases de données un atout);
  • Excellente communication orale et écrite dans les deux langues officielles;
  • Travailler de façon indépendante, avec une direction et une supervision limitée;
  • Permis de conduire valide et accès à un véhicule fiable; et
  • Connaissances en alphabétisation familiale et de la petite enfance est un atout.


Les personnes intéressées doivent envoyer leur curriculum vitae accompagné d’une lettre de présentation à : Lynda Homer, Directrice générale, à:


Veuillez s’il vous plaît inclure une lettre de présentation avec votre CV. Nous remercions tous ceux et celles qui postulent, mais seuls les personnes sélectionnées pour une entrevue approfondie seront contactées.

2018 PGI Literacy Dinner a Success!

On April 26, 2018 approximately 200 supporters of literacy from across New Brunswick gathered at the Delta Fredericton to celebrate and promote literacy in New Brunswick!

The event celebrated New Brunswick author David Adams Richards. One of only three Canadians ever to receive a Governor General’s Literacy Award for both fiction and non-fiction works, Richards is famous for his stories inspired by the experience growing up in Newcastle. A recently-appointed Canadian senator, Richards received the 2018 Champion of Literacy Award. A copy of Mr. Richards remarks can be found here.

The Literacy Coalition of NB also awarded Mr. Frank McKenna with the honorary title of Ambassador for New Brunswick Literacy, during a special tribute at the PGI dinner. This award was presented in recognition of Mr. McKenna’s generous donation to the NB PGI and in appreciation for his lifelong contribution to improving literacy and the well-being of New Brunswickers.

The President’s Award was given to Mark Rodd of Rodd Hotels and Resorts in recognition of their outstanding contribution to literacy for children and youth through volunteerism.

Marshall Button, emcee and poet laureate for the evening, received the Peter Gzowski Award for his tireless contribution and long time volunteer efforts in support of PGI NB.

A special highlight of the evening was the presentation of the Adult Learner Achievement Awards. Recipients, Erika Dove, Joanie Paul, Elisabeth Irunga and Colton Kroon received their awards and shared their stories with the attendees. To read their amazing stories, click here.

The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick has raised more than $1.6 million dollars for literacy since our inaugural PGI event 15 years ago. Funds raised go directly to youth, adult and family literacy programs around the province, including support for our schools, libraries and community groups.

Our sincere thanks to all who attended and supported the dinner and auction and helped to make it a huge success! We are so grateful to everyone who attended the event, and to all of the generous people and organizations who supported us in so many ways. Thank you for joining us in our efforts to advance literacy for all New Brunswickers!

Click here to see photos of the event!

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