The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick will provide leadership to advance literacy, lifelong learning and essential skills for all citizens through partnerships and collaboration with government, educational institutions, business, labour and community.

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2022 Adult Learner’s Writing Contest/Concours annuel d’écriture pour apprenants adultes

The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick is holding their annual Adult Learner’s Writing Contest!

The theme is “Learning Changes Lives”. Adult learners are invited to share their stories about why they returned to learning, how learning has changed their life, or will change their life and what their future goals may be. The stories will be featured on our social media during Adult Learner’s week and in an ebook which will be available on our website. The winners will have the opportunity to read their submissions and receive a framed certificate as well as a $100 prize at the 2022 PGI Literacy Dinner and auction.

Your story should be a maximum of 500 words in length or shorter. It should include:

  • why you returned to learning
  • how learning is changing your life or has changed your life
  • your goals for the future
  • your name and contacts (phone number, email and mailing address)
  • name of your Learning Program
  • your teacher’s name and contacts: (email and phone)

All learners who submit an essay will have their name entered into a draw for an iPad!

The deadline for submissions is March 31st at 5:00 pm. Essays should be submitted by email to

To  view the essays from last year’s contest, click here.

If you have any questions, please contact Lynda Homer, Executive Director, LCNB at: 506-457-1227 or via email at:

La Coalition pour l’alphabétisation du Nouveau-Brunswick organise son concours annuel d’écriture pour apprenants adultes!

Le thème est « L’apprentissage change des vies ». Les apprenants adultes sont invités à partager leurs histoires sur la raison pour laquelle ils ont fait un retour aux études, comment l’apprentissage a changé leur vie ou est en train de changer leur vie et leurs objectifs futurs. Les soumissions seront présentées sur nos médias sociaux pendant la semaine des apprenants adultes et dans un ebook qui sera disponible sur notre site Web. Les gagnants auront l’occasion de présenter leurs soumissions et recevront un certificat ainsi qu’un prix de 100$ au dîner de l’alphabétisation PGI 2022.

La soumission doit contenir jusqu’à 500 mots, mais il peut être plus court. Il doit inclure:

  • pourquoi vous êtes retourné aux études
  • comment l’apprentissage a changé votre vie ou est en train de changer votre vie
  • vos objectifs futurs
  • votre nom et vos coordonnées (numéro de téléphone, courriel et adresse postale)
  • le nom de votre programme d’apprentissage
  • le nom et les coordonnées de votre enseignant (courriel et téléphone)

Chaque apprenant qui participe sera inscrit à un tirage d’un iPad!

La date limite pour les soumissions est le 31 mars 2022 à 17h00. S’il vous plaît envoyez votre soumission à

Pour voir les soumissions gagnantes de l’année dernière, cliquez ici.

Si vous avez des questions, veuillez contacter Lynda Homer, Directrice générale, LCNB au 506-457-1227 ou par courrier électronique au

Celebrate Family Literacy Day 2022!

The 23rd Annual Family Literacy Day (FLD) is Thursday, January 27th, 2022. The theme for this year’s Family Literacy Day is Learning in the Great Outdoors. Families are encouraged to get outside and take 15 minutes of fun spending time in nature, which provides many benefits for our minds as well as our bodies.

Be sure to check out ABC Life Literacy Canada’s Website for information and resources about Family Literacy Day. There is even a virtual event you can sign up for with Barbara Reid!

This year, LCNB is hosting an online contest to celebrate! We are giving away 3 $50 gift cards to the local bookstore of the winner’s choice. Simply snap a picture of you and your family enjoying an outdoor activity, and post it to Facebook with #OutsideWithLCNB. The contest will be running until February 14th. Whether you’re playing in the snow, skating, reading or anything else outside, we want to see your winter fun!

We are also proud to partner with two New Brunswick organizations: the Moncton Public Library and the Early Childhood Family Resource Centre of Westmorland-Albert. Both organizations will be receiving a grant from LCNB to help them provide their Family Literacy Day activities.

The Moncton Public Library will be posting an online storytime and craft with New Brunswick author and illustrator, Nathasha Pilotte! This event will be posted to their Facebook page on January 27th and will be available to watch until February 3rd. No registration is required and the video will be in both English and French. Check out their Facebook page by clicking here!

The Early Childhood Family Resource Centre of Westmorland-Albert is giving away free literacy day kits to the first 20 families who register! This event is for families who are registered with the center. Call them at 506-384-7874 for more details.

We are glad to help New Brunswick organizations like these, and look forward to seeing all of the amazing Family Literacy Day activities that will be taking place across the province!

Identifying Barriers Between Language Levels and Adult Literacy Learning in NB

If you are a director of an adult learning program (including newcomers learning program) in New Brunswick, we need to hear from you!

LCNB is partnering with co-researcher, Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier, Yorkville University, to conduct an adult literacy research project funded by the NB Innovation Fund and NB Social Policy Research Network. The purpose of the project is to identify the barriers to accessing literacy learning programs that adults, (including newcomers), experience in terms of access and engagement, program relevance, and delivery methods. Our inquiry will deepen the understanding of the contexts in which organizations and service providers design and deliver adult literacy programs and provide insight from learners who access those programs.

Click here for the online questionnaire for directors.

Thank You for Making Our 2021 Virtual PGI A Success!

On November 30th, 2021, the Literacy Coalition held its first ever virtual Peter Gzowski Invitational celebration. The event was held on Zoom, with over 40 people in attendance.

Our annual PGI event is our main and most important fundraiser, which we were unable to hold last year due to Covid. Therefore, we are so pleased to say we exceeded our fundraising goal, raising $5,375 for literacy in New Brunswick. We thank everyone who donated for their generosity!

We also want to thank our incredible sponsors for this event: Bringloe Feeney LLP, Chuck Cartmill of LED Roadway Lighting, Plugged-IN CPA, and Passiv Inc.!  Thanks also to all of our donors and participants for your kind support.

This year’s recipient of the Peter Gzowski Award went to Ashley Counsell. This award recognizes Ashley’s tireless work and dedication to our PGI events and literacy over the years.

The event also featured some well-known guests: Rick Mercer as the National MC, author Louise Penny who gave some wonderful remarks, and fantastic musical guests Ashley MacIsaac, Twin Flames, and Stephen Fearing.

Lynda Homer, LCNB’s Executive Director, was the coordinator of our event and our local host. Jordan Trethewey, Fredericton’s Poet Laureate, read his poem titled “The Wolastoq River’s Council”, dedicating it to Fredericton’s Mayor, Kate Rogers.

As always, a very special part of the celebration was dedicated to honouring our incredible adult learners. This year’s winners were Martin Comeau and Jessica Baillie. Martin was one of the winners of the Adult Learner Essay Contest, and he shared a bit of his inspiring story about how learning changed his life. Jessica is part of our Essential & Employability Skills – Health Sector project, and she spoke about how learning and essential skills have improved her life and wellbeing. Congratulations to both of our inspiring award recipients!

Since our first inaugural Peter Gzowski Dinner and Auction 16 years ago, the Literacy Coalition has raised more than $1.6 million dollars. Funds raised go directly to youth, adult and family literacy programs around the province, including support for our schools, libraries and community groups. While it may have looked a bit different this year, we were so pleased that we could celebrate literacy safely!

Thank you to everyone who donated, registered and attended this amazing event!

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