The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick will provide leadership to advance literacy, lifelong learning and essential skills for all citizens through partnerships and collaboration with government, educational institutions, business, labour and community.

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ESAF Final Report and Evaluation Released

With the conclusion of the ESAF project, we are pleased to release the final report and evaluation.

The final report, available in both French and English, details the project’s methodology and training model. It then goes on to document the results of both mentors and participants across both cohorts, as well as lessons learned, takeaways, and success stories.

Click on the links below to read the reports:

Essential Skills for Atlantic Fisheries (ESAF) – Final Report

Compétences essentielles pour les pêches de l’Atlantique (CEPA) – Rapport final

The final evaluation report, available in both French and English, summarizes the key evaluation process and outcome findings. Read it by clicking the link below:

Essential Skills for Atlantic Fisheries (ESAF) Project – Final Evalution Report

Compétences essentielles pour les pêches de l’Atlantique (CEPA) – Rapport d’évaluation définitif

Literacy Coalition Distributes $11,000 in Grants to Struggling Literacy Programs


With no funds from the annual Peter Gzowski Invitational (PGI) available this summer, the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick instead used funds from the Marian Zaichkowski Endowment Fund to provide grants to nine literacy programs which struggled due to the pandemic.

LCNB was unable to host its annual PGI event this year due to COVID-19. This meant that many programs across New Brunswick missed out on PGI funding.

11 applications for grants were received and a total of $11,000 was distributed to the following programs: Friends of the Fredericton Public Library, Carleton North Imagination Library Inc., Upper Miramichi Community School Library Summer Tutoring Program, Sussex Regional Library Summer Program, Adult Literacy Fredericton, MGR Robichaud Public Library, Hampton Alliance for Lifelong Learning Summer Family Literacy Program, Commission de la Bibliothèque Carrefour Beausoleil, and Bibliothèque publique de Grand-Sault.

“Despite not being able to host our annual PGI this year, we were glad to be able to support these very worthy literacy programs that have struggled financially due to COVID,” said Executive Director, Lynda Homer. “The work they do is extremely important.”

The distributed funds are being used for everything from community story walks to one-on-one tutoring programs.

“We are very appreciative of the literacy grant and are doing really great things with the grant,” said Krista Higgins, Library Assistant at the Upper Miramichi Community Library. “We have great students enrolled and are seeing really positive results–and very thankful parents, guardians, and students.”

The LCNB Endowment Fund was established in 2004 and renamed the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick Marian Zaichkowski Endowment Fund in 2008 to honour the founding chair.

“We look forward to when we can host the PGI again, but for now we are proud to be able to distribute nine grants,” Homer said.

The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick provides leadership to advance literacy, lifelong learning and essential skills for all citizens through partnerships and collaboration with government, educational institutions, business, labour, community organizations and individuals.


For more information contact Lynda Homer, LCNB Executive Director

(506) 457-1227 or toll-free: 1 (800) 563-2211 or email:

Additional links:

Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick:

LCNB Grants Now Open

Each year, the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick sends a call for applications to distribute PGI community grants to literacy-focused organizations, groups and programs across the province. The funds for these grants come from the previous year’s PGI Dinner and Auction event hosted by the Literacy Coalition. Unfortunately, we were unable to hold our PGI event last year due Covid-19, so these funds are not available.  

Therefore, our Board has decided to draw upon our LCNB Marian Zaichkowski Endowment Fund to distribute grants to programs that may be struggling during these unprecedented times. Please note that the selection criteria has changed for these grants as they are intended to assist struggling programs.

For a full list of criteria and the application form, click here.

Appel de demandes de subventions – maintenant ouvertes

Comme vous le savez, la Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick lance chaque année un appel de demandes pour distribuer des subventions communautaires PGI aux organismes, groupes et programmes d’alphabétisation de la province. Les fonds pour ces subventions proviennent du souper et de la vente aux enchères du PGI de l’année précédente, organisés par la Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick. Malheureusement, nous n’avons pas pu tenir notre événement PGI l’année dernière en raison de la COVID-19, et ces fonds ne sont donc pas disponibles. 

Cependant, notre conseil d’administration a décidé de puiser dans notre fonds de dotation LCNB Marian Zaichkowski pour distribuer des subventions à des programmes qui pourraient être en difficulté en cette période sans précédent. Veuillez noter que les critères de sélection ont changé pour ces subventions, car elles ont pour but d’aider les programmes en difficulté.

Pour plus d’information, et pour télécharger le formulaire, cliquez ici.

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