The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick will provide leadership to advance literacy, lifelong learning and essential skills for all citizens through partnerships and collaboration with government, educational institutions, business, labour and community.

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Adult Learner’s Writing Contest Winners Announced

We are excited to announce the winners and runner ups for this year’s Adult Learner’s Writing Contest! Click on their name to read their essay.

The winners are:

Allison Perch
Teacher: Cheryl Ford
Central Valley Adult Learning Association

Destinee Frey
Teacher: Susan Howard
Tobique Adult Learning Centre – Western Valley Adult Learning Association

Martin Comeau
Teacher: Massy Tamdrari
Dieppe CCAA – South East Adult Education -Éducation des adultes du Sud-Est

Honourable Mention (Runner Up)

Ryan Garnett Goguen
Teacher: Stacey Doyle
Saint John Learning Exchange

Sean Nicholas
Teacher: Susan Howard
Tobqiue Adult Learning Centre – Western Valley Adult Learning Association

Zoé Dion
Teacher: Carole Bourgault
Lancaster CCAA – South East Adult Education -Éducation des adultes du Sud-Est

Congratulations to all of our winners! To read all of the amazing submissions we received in our ebook, click here.

Celebrating Adult Learner’s Week 2021: April 19th – 23rd!

Adult Literacy Week is an occasion to acknowledge the triumphs that many New Brunswickers have and celebrate the importance of life-long learning in our lives.

The past year has been challenging for all of us, and because of the pandemic, many learners have not been able to attend in-class learning. Despite this, we want to celebrate the accomplishments everyone made this year. Even if you were not able to attend a class, your learning journey is not over!

We are also excited to share our Adult Learner’s Writing Contest ebook! We received over 25 fantastic submissions this year, which you can read by clicking the link below.

The winners are:

The runner ups are:

Click here to read all of the amazing submissions in our ebook!

Or, you can scroll down to read them below. Use the arrows at the top or bottom left of the document to change the page.


Adult Learner’s Writing Contest/Concours annuel d’écriture pour apprenants adultes

The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick is holding their annual Adult Learner’s Writing Contest!

This year’s theme is “Learning Changes Lives”. Adult learners are invited to share their stories about why they returned to learning, how learning has changed their life, or will change their life and what their future goals may be. The stories will be featured on our social media during Adult Learner’s week and in an ebook which will be available on our website. The winners will have the opportunity to read their submissions and receive a framed certificate as well as a $100 prize at the 2021 PGI Literacy Dinner and auction.

Your story should be a maximum of 500 words in length or shorter. It should include:

  • why you returned to learning
  • how learning is changing your life or has changed your life
  • your goals for the future
  • your name and contacts (phone number, email and mailing address)
  • name of your Learning Program
  • your teacher’s name and contacts: (email and phone)

The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 26th, 2021.  Essays should be submitted by email to

To  view the essays from last year’s contest, click here.

If you have any questions, please contact Lynda Homer, Executive Director, LCNB at: 506-457-1227 or via email at:

La Coalition pour l’alphabétisation du Nouveau-Brunswick organise son concours annuel d’écriture pour apprenants adultes!

Le thème de cette année est « L’apprentissage change des vies ». Les apprenants adultes sont invités à partager leurs histoires sur la raison pour laquelle ils ont fait un retour aux études, comment l’apprentissage a changé leur vie ou est en train de changer leur vie et leurs objectifs futurs. Les soumissions seront présentées sur nos médias sociaux pendant la semaine des apprenants adultes et dans un ebook qui sera disponible sur notre site Web. Les gagnants auront l’occasion de présenter leurs soumissions et recevront un certificat ainsi qu’un prix de 100$ au dîner de l’alphabétisation PGI 2021.

La soumission doit contenir jusqu’à 500 mots, mais il peut être plus court. Il doit inclure:

  • pourquoi vous êtes retourné aux études
  • comment l’apprentissage a changé votre vie ou est en train de changer votre vie
  • vos objectifs futurs
  • votre nom et vos coordonnées (numéro de téléphone, courriel et adresse postale)
  • le nom de votre programme d’apprentissage
  • le nom et les coordonnées de votre enseignant (courriel et téléphone)

La date limite pour les soumissions est le 26 mars 2021. S’il vous plaît envoyez votre soumission à

Pour voir les soumissions gagnantes de l’année dernière, cliquez ici.

Si vous avez des questions, veuillez contacter Lynda Homer, Directrice générale, LCNB au 506-457-1227 ou par courrier électronique au

LCNB Selected for ANBL Quarterly Lottery Donation

We are excited to announce the LCNB has been selected for Alcool NB Liquor’s (ANBL) Quarterly Lottery Donation! This program selects one winner from each of the seven community zones across New Brunswick, and each winner receives $2,000. We are excited to put these funds to good use!

For a full list of this quarter’s winners and more information on the Lottery program, check out ANBL’s website by clicking here.

Thank you to ANBL for this amazing opportunity!

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