The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick will provide leadership to advance literacy, lifelong learning and essential skills for all citizens through partnerships and collaboration with government, educational institutions, business, labour and community.

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Questions to federal political parties in the context of the 2019 elections

For the PDF version of this document, click here.

This document was created by a national network of people, researchers and organizations committed to adult literacy.

1. What is your party’s position on establishing a national adult literacy policy?

2. How will your party support collaboration and coordination across government and stakeholders to best support our population’s potential?

3. How will your party integrate literacy and essential skills development into sectoral policies in areas like employment, health, the environment, settlement, culture, the promotion of the Official Languages, and work with Indigenous peoples?

4. How is your party prepared to commit to federal funding for literacy?

5. How will your party address the particular literacy needs of Indigenous peoples, people living in official language minority communities, and newcomers to Canada?

6. What is your party’s plan with respect to implementing Canada’s commitments to UNESCO and on the international stage in the fields of literacy and adult education?

7. How will your party convene conversations about lifelong learning for adults experiencing challenges because of lower literacy skills?

8. How will you address the fundamental learning needs of those adults who are unable to transition to jobs in the new economy because of lower literacy skills?


ABC Life Literacy Canada, Mack Rogers, Executive Director

Adult Basic Education Association, Sara Gill, Executive Director

AlphaPlus, Alan Cherwinski, Executive Director

BC Health Literacy Networks

Canadian Labour Congress, Hassan Yussuff, President

Calgary Learns, Nancy Purdy, Executive Director

CanLearn Society, Krista Poole, CEO

Centre de documentation sur l’éducation des adultes et la condition féminine (CDÉACF)

Change Makers’ Education Society, Karen Buchanan, Executive Director

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy, Desneiges Profili, Executive Director

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy – Creston, Gillian Wells, Community Literacy Coordinator

Community Literacy of Ontario, Joanne Kaattari, Co-Executive Director

Decoda Literacy Solutions, Margaret Sutherland, Executive Director

Fédération du Québec pour le planning des naissances (FQPN), Julie Robillard, Co-coordinatrice

Frontier College, Stephen Faul, President & CEO

Brigid Hayes, Brigid Hayes Consulting

Institut de coopération pour l’éducation des adultes, (ICÉA) Daniel Baril, Directeur général

Lakes Literacy, Jennifer Petersen, Literacy Outreach Coordinator

Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick, Lynda Homer, Executive Director

Literacy Haida Gwaii, Beng Favreau, Executive Director

Literacy Link South Central, Tamara Kaattari, Executive Director

Literacy Matters Abbotsford, Sharon Crowley Literacy Outreach Coordinator

Literacy Nova Scotia, Jayne Hunter, Executive Director

2019 Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Literacy Awards Call for Nominations

The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick (LCNB) is calling for nominations for the 2019 Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Literacy Awards. The awards recognize outstanding achievements of individuals or groups in the field of literacy, essential skills and lifelong learning. Awards will be presented to worthy recipients in the following categories: Early Childhood Literacy, Community Literacy Programs, Individual Outstanding Contributions to Literacy, Business/Corporate Literacy Initiatives, Workplace Essential Skills, and Outstanding Effort in Indigenous Literacy.

“The 2019 Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Literacy Awards recognize those who work tirelessly to help ensure a better quality of life for all New Brunswickers, through the advancement of literacy, essential skills and lifelong learning.”

The English nomination form can be found here.

Version française ici.

Or you can find a downloadable version of both forms here.

The Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Literacy Awards began as The Lieutenant Governor’s Literacy Awards in 1998, and continued since 2003 through the generosity of the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick (LCNB). During her tenure as Lieutenant Governor, Dr. Trenholme Counsell focused on early childhood development, particularly early childhood literacy, in recognition of her life as a mother, family physician and New Brunswick’s first Minister of State for the Family, and later Minister of State for Family and Community Services. From 1997 to 2003 Her Honour delighted young children, parents and teachers by her Lieutenant Governor’s Story Hours, and by her children’s gallery at Old Government House. With the IODE and Les Dames d’Acadie, she succeeded in making Born to Read/Goût de lire a province-wide programme.

Established in 1998 by Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell, former New Brunswick lieutenant-governor, senator, and past president of the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick (LCNB), these awards recognize outstanding achievements in the fields of literacy and essential skills. They are supported by funds generated by the Literacy Coalition’s annual Peter Gzowski (PGI) Literacy Dinner and Auction.

PGI 2019: A Success!

On May 7th, 2019 over 200 literacy supporters gathered at the Delta Hotel in Fredericton for the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick’s annual Peter Gzowski Invitational. This year the event raised $57,000 for literacy in New Brunswick.

This year’s recipients of the Champions of Literacy Award were Diane and Bernard Lord.  Diane believes literacy is a cornerstone of early childhood development. She offered her time and support to the Born to Read and Le goût de lire initiatives as well as Family Day.

Bernard is the Chief Executive Officer of Medavie and became one of Canada’s youngest Premiers in 1999. He also oversees Medavie’s holistic approach which includes the Medavie Blue Cross sponsorship of Moncton’s Legs for Literacy Expo and Race. Bernard played an instrumental role in establishing Born to Read and Le got de lire.

The Marian Zaichkowski award was introduced this year to honour the memory of Marian and all the work she did for the coalition. Craig Manufacturing was the first recipient of the award. They were chosen due to their outstanding dedication to literacy over the past 65 years. One of their contributions was organizing a community library in Hartland. 

The Peter Gzowski Award went to Janet Parlee. The PGI award recognizes Janet Parlee’s unwavering support for literacy and the PGI. Particularly, her support for the live and silent auctions. 

The President’s Award was given to Office Interiors for their outstanding contributions to child and youth literacy.

As always, a special part of the evening was honouring hard-working adult learners with Adult Learner Awards. Kianne Nicholas-Perley, Samuel Côté-Larouche, Crystal Drew, and Gloria Clark were celebrated for showing exceptional performance and progress in their literacy programs.

Since our first inaugural Peter Gzowski Dinner and Auction 16 years ago, the Literacy Coalition has raised more than $1.6 million dollars. Funds raised go directly to youth, adult and family literacy programs around the province, including support for our schools, libraries and community groups.

To view a photo gallery of this year’s dinner, follow this link:

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