The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick will provide leadership to advance literacy, lifelong learning and essential skills for all citizens through partnerships and collaboration with government, educational institutions, business, labour and community.

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Celebrating New Brunswick Literacy Day

Fredericton, April 17, 2023 – The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick will be celebrating New Brunswick Literacy Day on Wednesday, April 19 by announcing the winners of our 2023 adult learner essay contest. The 2023 theme was “literacy changes lives”, which led to many heart-warming stories from contestants speaking about a brighter future resulting from their adult learning program. Also, as part of our NB Literacy Day celebrations, all submissions are being featured on our website in our Adult Learners’ eBook. The names of all learners who submitted essays were entered into a draw for a free iPad.

The essay contest winners are:

Lindsay Herrera – Eel River Adult Learning Centre – English 1st Prize

Lynda Recine Boissey – Charlotte County Adult Learning Centre – Français, 1ère place

Chris Lozier – Woodstock Adult Learning Centre – Runner up

Madison Degen – Oromocto Day Program –Winner of iPad draw

Madison Degen, left

The winners of the contest will each receive a $100 prize and a framed certificate and have an opportunity to read their essays at the LCNB Gala Literacy Dinner to be held at the Delta Fredericton in the fall.

Literacy is crucial for the future of New Brunswick, according to Literacy Coalition President Brent Melanson. He says that “at a time when literacy skills are increasingly critical for survival and participation in society, our work to support lifelong learning for children, youth and adults has never been more important.

“New Brunswick Literacy Day is an occasion to acknowledge the triumphs that many New Brunswickers have had.” says Lynda Homer, Executive Director of the LCNB. “We need to celebrate the remarkable individuals who are making learning a priority in their lives, and the extraordinary adult literacy educators who are helping them to achieve their goals.

New Brunswick Literacy Day is an annual celebration of literacy and life-long learning held this year on April 19.

The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick provides leadership to advance literacy, lifelong learning, and essential skills for all citizens through partnerships and collaboration with government, educational institutions, business, labour, community organizations and individuals.

For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Lynda Homer – Executive Director

Tel.: 506.457.1227                                                                               


Celebrating Adult Learner’s Week 2023: April 16th – 22nd!

Adult Literacy Week is an occasion to acknowledge the triumphs that many New Brunswickers have and celebrate the importance of life-long learning in our lives.

We were thrilled to receive over 30 wonderful and inspiring submissions this year! Thank you to each learner who took the time to send in a submission.

We are excited to now announce the winners of the contest (click on their name to read their winning submission):

Each learner was also entered into a draw to win an iPad. The winner of this draw was Madison Degen! She attends Oromocto Day Program and her teacher is Kelly Coleman.

Madison Degen, left

You can also read all of the submissions in our ebook by clicking here!

Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Literacy Awards 2023: Call for Nominations

The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick is calling for nominations for the 2023 Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Literacy Awards. The awards recognize outstanding achievements of individuals or groups in the field of literacy, essential skills and lifelong learning. Awards will be presented to worthy recipients in the following categories: Early Childhood Literacy, Community Literacy Programs, Individual Outstanding Contributions to Literacy, Business/Corporate Literacy Initiatives, Workplace Essential Skills, Published Author, and Outstanding Effort in Indigenous Literacy.

“The Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Literacy Awards recognize those who work tirelessly to help ensure a better quality of life for all New Brunswickers, through the advancement of literacy, essential skills and lifelong learning.”

The English nomination form can be downloaded here.

Version française ici.

Or you can find a printable version of both forms here.

Click here to see last year’s award winners and watch the Zoom ceremony.

Click here to see a list of past winners.

2023 Adult Learner’s Writing Contest/Concours annuel d’écriture pour apprenants adultes

The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick is holding their annual Adult Learner’s Writing Contest!

The theme is “Learning Changes Lives”. Adult learners are invited to share their stories about why they returned to learning, how learning has changed their life or will change their life, and what their future goals may be. The stories will be featured on our social media during Adult Learner’s week and in an ebook which will be available on our website. The winner will have the opportunity to read their submission and receive a framed certificate as well as a $100 prize at the 2023 LCNB Literacy Dinner and Auction.

Your story should be around 500 to 600 words. It should include:

  • why you returned to learning
  • how learning is changing your life or has changed your life
  • your goals for the future
  • your name and contacts (phone number, email and mailing address)
  • name of your Learning Program
  • your teacher’s name and contacts: (email and phone)

All learners who submit an essay will have their name entered into a draw for an iPad!

The deadline for submissions is March 31st at 5:00 pm. Essays should be submitted by email to

To  view the essays from last year’s contest, click here.

If you have any questions, please contact Lynda Homer, Executive Director, LCNB at: 506-457-1227 or via email at:

La Coalition pour l’alphabétisation du Nouveau-Brunswick organise son concours annuel d’écriture pour apprenants adultes!

Le thème est « L’apprentissage change des vies ». Les apprenants adultes sont invités à partager leurs histoires sur la raison pour laquelle ils ont fait un retour aux études, comment l’apprentissage a changé leur vie ou est en train de changer leur vie et leurs objectifs futurs. Les soumissions seront présentées sur nos médias sociaux pendant la semaine des apprenants adultes et dans un ebook qui sera disponible sur notre site Web. Le gagnant aura l’occasion de présenter sa soumission et recevra un certificat ainsi qu’un prix de 100$ au dîner de l’alphabétisation LCNB 2023.

La soumission doit être d’environ 500 à 600 mots. Il doit inclure:

  • pourquoi vous êtes retourné aux études
  • comment l’apprentissage a changé votre vie ou est en train de changer votre vie
  • vos objectifs futurs
  • votre nom et vos coordonnées (numéro de téléphone, courriel et adresse postale)
  • le nom de votre programme d’apprentissage
  • le nom et les coordonnées de votre enseignant: (courriel et téléphone)

Chaque apprenant qui participe sera inscrit à un tirage d’un iPad!

La date limite pour les soumissions est le 31 mars 2022 à 17h00. S’il vous plaît envoyez votre soumission à

Pour voir les soumissions gagnantes de l’année dernière, cliquez ici.

Si vous avez des questions, veuillez contacter Lynda Homer, Directrice générale, LCNB au 506-457-1227 ou par courrier électronique au

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