Family & Early Childhood Literacy Resources
One of the important aims of the Literacy Coalition is to increase awareness of the importance of family and early childhood literacy, as well as to provide family and early childhood literacy support and information for families and program providers. We believe that families have a profound and lasting influence on children’s literacy development and that it is never too early to begin sharing books with babies and encouraging their literacy learning. Family and early childhood literacy practices encourage the development of lifelong readers and learners and help maintain the literacy levels of adults as they go about their daily lives.
Below are some helpful links to family and early childhood literacy resources. These resources contain book lists, tips and ideas for encouraging family literacy in every day life and lots of fun activities for the whole family.
Click here for a list of helpful online resources!
Holiday Literacy Ideas
The holidays are a busy time full of fun and excitement. They are also a wonderful opportunity for literacy enriching experience.
Family Resource Booklet
Created for our Family Time Online project, the Family Resource Booklet is full of great tips, digital resources, stories, songs, lyrics, and poetry for the whole family to share.
Click here to view the booklet!
Family Literacies – Going Online with Babies & Families: A Related Literature Review by Dr. Pam Whitty
We are pleased to share a literature review conducted by Dr. Pam Whitty from UNB for the Literacy Coalition. This in depth scan is consists of areas relevant to our Family Literacies Online project, looking at current thinking on family literacies and moving online for young children and babies.
Read the full review by clicking here.
Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs
The following position statement from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media at Saint Vincent College, adopted in January 2012, discusses children and technology/interactive media. Read it by clicking below:
The Creative Diversity of Young Children’s Digital Learning at Home
In this video, Professor Rosie Flewitt speaks about young children’s digital literacy learning at home. To watch this insightful video, scroll down and click on the video below:
Sharing Books with Babies – It’s Never too Early!
Our exciting video depicts babies and parents enjoying books together in a variety of everyday situations. It demonstrates the importance of sharing books with infants and toddlers and contains helpful information and tips for parents wishing to support their children’s early literacy development from birth.
This video was developed as a collaboration between Born to Read NB, the UNB Early Childhood Centre, the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick, and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, which funded the project.
Click on the video below to start watching!
Let’s Learn! Booklet
- Let’s Learn! A parent’s guide to giving your child a great start
- Apprenons Ensemble! Offrons un meilleur départ a nos tout-petits
- Kina’masultinej! Let’s Learn!
Outdoor Literacy
- Family Literacy in the Outdoors
- Re-connecting the World’s Children to Nature
- Children at Play in the Great Outdoors
- Family Literacy in the Outdoors Travelling Trunk Kit
Writing and Drawing
Domestic Literacy
- Introductory Sheet: Domestic Literacy
- Domestic Literacy Travelling Trunk Kit
- Canadian Multicultural Themed Books for Kids
Exploring Literacies Handbook
Canadian Children’s Literacy Foundation
NB Public Library: Videos on Supporting Early Literacy Development
These videos on were developed by the NB Public Library as part of their Every Child Ready to Read initiative. They show how parents can support their child’s early literacy development through Talking, Singing, Reading, Creating and Playing, everyday. Click the links below to watch their YouTube videos.
Versions françaises:
Special online Storytelling Series for Children by Dr. Joanne LeBlanc-Haley, educator, storyteller and one of the founding members of the Storytellers of Canada.

Joanne was born into a storytelling family, and as an educator, told stories throughout her career. Today, in this time of social distancing, she has created a You Tube channel in order to share folktales and other stories for children, told in the traditional storytelling way.
Children undergo a different experience when they are told stories orally, versus a story shared through picture books. They use the storyteller’s words to create pictures; to make their own mind-movies. Children hear language and words used in ways that are not like our regular day-to-day conversations. Traditional storytelling engages children’s imagination, allowing them to travel to the “long ago” and “far away”.
Joanne tells us that parents know their own child best and they can choose which stories would be suitable, and most likely to capture their child’s interest. The tales are short; preview them – see which ones are right for your child.
Click on the link to view this exciting new storytelling channel.
Subscribe to the site to view the stories as they are added each week. A story is waiting – come and listen.
Take Twenty Tip Sheet
This Take Twenty tip sheet invites families to take twenty minutes to make learning part of every day. Click on the picture below to see some great learning tips with wonderful illustrations by Barbara Reid!