New Brunswick Literacy Day is an occasion to acknowledge the triumphs that many New Brunswickers have had and celebrate the importance of literacy and life long learning in our lives. In celebration of this day, the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick is announcing the winners and runner ups of our 2018 adult learner essay contest.
Erika Dove – Woodstock Sussex Adult Learning Centre
Elisabeth Irunga – Centre d’apprentissage pour adultes de Moncton
Joanie Paul – St Mary’s First Nation Adult Learning Community Centre
Colton Kroon – Fredericton Youth Adult Learning Program
Lonnie Pickard – Perth Andover Adult Learning Centre
Alfred McCrae– Miramichi Adult Learning Program
The 2018 theme was “Learning for Life!” which led to many heart-warming stories from contestants speaking about a brighter future as a result of their participation in an adult learning program. The winners of the contest will each receive a $100 prize and a framed certificate at the LCNB PGI gala Dinner, held in Fredericton on April 11th. The winners’ essays will be featured on our website after they receive their awards at our 2018 PGI Literacy Dinner and Auction at the Delta Fredericton on the 26th. The runner ups have received a $50 prize and their essays are being posted on our LCNB website today. To view them, click .
If you would like to read the wonderful entries from our talented runner ups, please checkout the following links!
Colton Kroon: Learning for Life
Lonnie Pickard: Learning for Life
Alfred McCrae: A Far Different Future