Category: Uncategorised

Congratulations to the winners of our 2016 Adult Learner Essay Contest ! Nancy Kelly – Sussex Adult Learning Centre Jonathan Caissie – Fredericton Francophone Adult Learning Centre Rose Mary Paul – St Mary’s First Nation Adult Learning Community Centre The winners will receive their $100 prize and a framed certificate at the LCNB PGI gala Dinner to be […]

The Literacy Coalition held their annual Adult Learner’s Writing contest in honour of Adult Learner’s Week which is celebrated April 18 -22nd, in conjunction with NB Literacy day April 20th, 2016. The competition is now closed but we thank all of you who participated in the contest and encourage you to try again next year! […]

Mark your calendars! On April 11, supporters of literacy will gather in Fredericton to honour Mr. Robert Irving, our 2016 literacy champion. The Peter Gzowski Invitational (PGI) events for literacy are major fundraising events held in every province and territory. The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick has raised more than $1.6 million dollars for literacy […]