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The 2017 winners for the Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Literacy Awards have been named and will receive their awards at a ceremony at the Fredericton Crowne Plaza-Lord Beaverbrook Hotel at 7:00pm with reception from 6:00pm to 7:00pm on October 4th.   Established in 1998 by Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell, former New Brunswick lieutenant-governor and senator […]

The 2017 winners for the Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Literacy Awards will receive their awards at a ceremony at the Crowne Plaza -Lord Beaverbrook Hotel Fredericton at 7 p.m. on June 25. A reception will take place immediately beforehand starting at 6:00 pm.   Awarded annually since 1998 by Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell, former New […]